This is my anger. Since the age of ten I have delt with constant chronic pain without any answers. Endometriosis is a debilitating illness that can take over your life. Between appointments and medication, blood tests and scans, I have had enough. Made from calico fabric, this hospital gown represents the invisible nature of chronic pain. The underside of the gown is covered in paper transfers of images from various scans, surgeries, and medications that have assisted in my treatment of Endometriosis. Each image is placed to correspond with the location on the body they represent, such as each scan of the ovaries being placed on the side they sit within my body. The gown is hanging off a blue hanger with a light. This allows the inside of the gown to light up and reflect the images through the fabric, representing the way chronic pain can go unnoticed until a light is shone on even a small part. Displayed alongside the hospital gown is a clipboard with various reports and resources relating to my ongoing treatment with added notes on my feelings and ways my condition has been misrepresented.